Bin Cai , Licensed Acupuncturist of NY & NJ, He also holds a registered nurse license in NY. He is currently a teacher of the New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Committee member of the United Alliance of New York State Licensed Acupuncturists (UANYSLA), president of Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling Association of the Great New York(FSNANY,board member ofAmerican Alliance for Professional Acupuncture Safety(AAPAS),the Executive Council Member of the 2nd Board of Special Committee of Endocrine and Dose-response Relationship Study on Chinese Prescription of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies. He also is the Council Member of the 2nd Board of Specialty Committee of the Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling of the World Federation of the Chinese Medicine Societies. He has or manages his own acupuncture and Chinese medicine clinic in brooklyn and Manhattan of New York
蔡斌 联盟宣传部长
医学博士,纽约中医学院教授,大纽约浮针医学会会长, 纽约执照针灸医师公会常任理事
,美国职业针灸和安全联盟APPAS宣传部长, 世界中联态靶辨治专业委员会、 浮针委员会常任理
事。 现为紐約、新澤西州註冊針灸師、纽约市运营纽约健特针灸物理治疗中心四间开业诊所主任。 蔡斌博士毕业安徽中医药大学,成都中医大学骨伤碩士,广州中医药大学附属三甲医院骨科住院、主治医师,广州南方医科大学(原第一军医大学)博士,师从中国工程院院士临床解剖奠基人钟世镇院士,并在紐約城市大學生物醫學工程系博士后研究, 并发表论文多篇,并在西奈山医院整合医学科进修1年进行针灸临床研究。