Licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in New York
1986 to 19991: Hubei University of Chinese Medicine
2017 to 2023: Ph.D. from Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
1991 to 1997: Acupuncturist at Shenzhen Xiangmihu Friendship Hospital and Merrick
1999 to 2003: Acupuncturists at Rehabilitation Center in Long Island, New York
2003 to present: Private practiced Lai Acupuncture LLC in Long Island, New York
Independent acupuncturist at NY Belmont Race Track Backstretch
Independent acupuncturist for the Organization of Breast Cancer “Rocking the Road for a Cure”
2020 to 2024: Vice president of the American Traditional Chinese Medicine Society (ATCMS)
Present: Vice president and Secretary-general of the American Traditional Chinese Medicine
Society (ATCMS)
赖江红 联盟法規部长
1986 至 1991: 湖北中医学院针灸骨伤系
2017 至2023: 福建中医药大学中西医结合康复博士
1991 至 1997: 深圳市香蜜湖友谊医院针灸科
1999至2003: 纽约长岛Merrick康复中心
2003至今:悬壶于纽约长岛Lai Acupuncture
兼任 NY Belmont Race Track Backstretch 特聘针灸师Organization of Breast Cancer “Rocking
the Road for a Cure ” 指定针灸师
2020至2024: 美国中医药针灸学会ATCMS 副会长
2024至今:美国中医药针灸学会ATCMS 副会长、秘书长