Dr. Yue Wang was graduated from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine . As an honor graduate, she was received as a Doctor to work in the affiliated hospital . Her work involved in medical, teaching and research. She published over 20 academic papers in affluential magazines. Also, she participated in writing 5 academic books . Her specialty includes Diabetes and Nephrology. Dr. Wang was very active in academic association as well. She was vice secretary of Chines Diabetes association, participating the association’s establishment. She is current vice chairman of Diabetes Association of WFCMS.
After transfers to United States, she was working as a Postdoctoral research fellow in different Universities. In 2003 she established her own practice of Chinese Medicine in Florida. Now she is chief Doctor and president of Ancient Healing Acupuncture. She was president of Florida Acupuncture Association. Now she is holding board member positions in several state and national acupuncture associations in United States. She is current chairman of American Alliance of Professional Acupuncture and Safety (AAPAS) and chairman of Acupuncture for the People foundation.
[中文】王越, 联盟主席, 主任医师, 毕业于北京中医药大学, 毕业后留校北京中医药大学附属东直门医院工
专业委员会付主任委员。参与医疗,教学,科研, 发表学术论文二十余篇,学术专著五部。1998年来美, 先后从事博士后研究工作,目前在佛罗里达州主持中医药针灸诊所,曾任佛罗里达中医药学会会长,现任佛罗里达东方医学和针灸学会立法理事,Acupuncture for the People 基金主席;美国针灸职业安全联盟主席。